List of products by brand Hola Por Qué

Hola Por Qué nos dedicamos a la creación a través de la serigrafía. Empezamos
haciendo camisetas y después hemos seguido haciendo otras cosas como más camisetas
distintas a las que hacíamos cuando empezamos. Pero las ocurrencias también las
estampamos en papel, en cerámica, en vidrio o en las puertas de los baños de nuestro

Hola Por Qué  we dedicate ourselves to creation through screen printing. We started making t-shirts and then we have continued making other things like more t-shirts different from the ones we made when we started. But we also print our ideas on paper, ceramics, glass or on the doors of the bathrooms in our workshop. We do hand-made screen printing. Having our own workshop allows us to investigate the technique and take care of the details of each product we produce. We give priority to the idea; the support comes later. What we enjoy the most is telling how bad the world is. We have always maintained an attitude of respect towards what surrounds us and this includes animals (even rational ones), plants (even ficus), minerals, things, spaces and times. We screen print with high-end water-based inks for paper and textiles. Our garments are made of organic cotton with various certifications. In ceramics and glass we use third-fire vitrifiable pigments. We always seek maximum durability and quality in everything we do because we are the first to use them. We do our job with a lot of love and, above all, with a lot of humor. A few laughs.

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Kids T-shirt Navidad No.

Camiseta Navidad No. / T-shirt Christmas No.


Kids T-shirt ASCO

T-shirt ASCO Madrid
